Weight Management

Weight Loss Dietitian in Delhi

Eat less to lose weight is a myth that needs to be wiped off from the minds of everyone. This misconception has been there in the mind of people, and this is leading to severe health problems especially in teen girls who aim at getting zero-size figure by skipping meals with the help of weight loss dietician. However, the truth is that to lose weight it is essential to eat a proper diet and lead a healthy lifestyle with the help of weight loss dietician.

A healthy weight is necessary for each and everyone and not just for those looks conscious people. A healthy weight helps reduce the risks of various diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart risks, and more. If you are underweight, overweight or obese, along with health hazards, you might also face social or psychological problems. A visit to a diet center is what you need in all these conditions to manage your weight.

Role of diet in Weight Loss:

All the diseases which emerge as a result of obesity can be controlled easily by managing your diet plan. A healthily balanced diet intake can protect you from all the conditions related to obesity like heart problems, cholesterol, diabetes, and even cancers. A disease-free body can exist only when you manage your weight well.
A balanced diet contains the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and another nutrient, the proportion of which varies as per the requirements of the body of an individual. If you are facing the problem of unbalanced weight, it is high time you make an appointment with a good dietician who can help you manage your weight.

Tips for healthy weight:

To keep yourself away from all diseases and ailments, follow the below stated tips:

  • Take a balanced diet full of green vegetables, fruits, pulses, etc.
  • Don’t forget to exercise daily. A 15-20 minutes workout can do wonders!
  • Consult a specialist soon and follow the plan they suggest.



Certainly, obesity is not a preferable condition for anyone, whether it is a male or female. If you have a body mass index (BMI) which is higher than 30, it is the time for you to look after your body weight and control it as soon as possible, because, it is said that obesity begets obesity. Obesity may cause a number of diseases that can potentially affect your health, such as:

    • High blood pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Stroke and heart disease
    • Sleep apnea
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Cancers
    • Gallstone and gall bladder diseases
    • Breathing problem and asthma


Role of Diet in Controlling Diseases

All the diseases which emerge as a result of obesity can be controlled easily by managing your diet plan. A healthily balanced diet intake can protect you from all the conditions related to obesity like heart problems, cholesterol, diabetes, and even cancers. A disease-free body can exist only when you manage your weight well.

A balanced diet contains the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and another nutrient, the proportion of which varies as per the requirements of the body of an individual. If you are facing the problem of unbalanced weight, it is high time you make an appointment with a good dietician who can help you manage your weight.

To keep yourself away from all diseases and ailments, take a balanced diet full of green vegetables, fruits, pulses, etc. and don’t forget to exercise daily. A 15-20 minutes workout can do wonders! Consult a specialist soon and follow the plan they suggest.

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Low fat diary products
  • Nuts
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Pulses


Role of Exercise in Weight Loss

Another important factor that highly contributes to maintaining good health and ideal weight is exercise. A regular exercise routine combined with balanced and healthy diet has always been a pre-requisite to achieve and maintain an ideal weight and keep the diseases at bay. Hence, be determined to include an exercise that will improve your heart rate, build stamina and improve your metabolism. You may choose walking, jogging, weight training, fitness classes and so on as per your goal to maintain an ideal weight.

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