Excited for your wedding day. As your big day approaches the excitement and the anxiety level increase.You want everything to be perfect on this special day. Amidst all the excitement your weight remains a constant worry in your mind .the preparations are in full swing but the weight and the inches are giving a major setback to your confidence . Here are a few tips which will help you look your confident best on your special day . 45 days before wedding
  • MORNING Green tea with soaked almonds or 1 apple or banana
  • BREAKFAST 3 eggwhite omelette with 1 whole wheat toast or veg oats or idli sambhar
  • SNACK Fruit salad or yogurt or salad bowl
  • LUNCH Dal ,sabzi ,roti or rice
  • SNACK Chickpea salad or boiled eggs
  • DINNER Sautéed veges with chicken breast or fish or 1 big bowl of dal ,sabzi and salad
10 days before wedding
  • MORNING Green tea
  • BREAKFAST Papaya or bananaor spinach smoothie
  • SNACK Chick pea salad
  • LUNCH Dal , sabzi or roti with salad
  • SNACK Lemon water or chaach
  • DINNER Chicken salad or a big bowl of dal with sabzi and salad
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