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5 Healthy Diet Tips For A 21 Year Old Female

5 Healthy Diet Tips For A 21 Year Old Female

A healthy body calls for a healthy mind. It’s been long since we have been hearing such phrases for healthy diet. But where we lack is a perfect dietary plan that we need to adhere to. Isn’t it? And spending a hefty sum for the same is something not...
Balanced Diet Tips For 25y Old Female

Balanced Diet Tips For 25y Old Female

“Health is Wealth”, famously quoted and absolutely befits for a balanced diet! Especially the women falling in the age group of 25 and above, this is an imperative conclusion. Women are often seen hurling from post to pillar in order to take care of family...
When & Why Consult A Dietitian?

When & Why Consult A Dietitian?

Who is a Dietitian?    A Dietician (or Dietitian) is a specialist in dietetics, who gives the diet plans according to the individual’s needs. They are the specialists who advise the individuals on what to eat as to lead a solid way of life. Best...
Foods to build immunity in winters

Foods to build immunity in winters

As Autumn settles in and the nights get darker our health can take a bit of a downturn. With the changing season comes cold, cough, fever and other infectious diseases that attack our immune system. In order to treat these infections, we load our body with...
Diet tips for looking confident on your special day

Diet tips for looking confident on your special day

Excited for your wedding day. As your big day approaches the excitement and the anxiety level increase.You want everything to be perfect on this special day. Amidst all the excitement your weight remains a constant worry in your mind .the preparations are in full...
Foods to build immunity in winters

How To Get Into Ketosis After A Cheat Day

Going strong on the keto diet but then comes a day where you couldn’t avoid carbs n sweets and your ketosis goes for a toss. You are freaking out and don’t know what to do. It’s ok. We all do it sometimes. You may experience bloating or headaches. You might have...
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