Whether it is Covid-19 or our regular cold and flu, a strong immunity system is must. A strong immunity system not only prevent you from these viruses and bacterial infections but if you catch one, it also helps you recover from it. One of the easiest way to enhance your immunity is through 5 immunity boosting beverages.

Immunity system has a simple job, it determines which bacteria should be in the body and which should be thrown out of your body. Therefore, it is more than clear that, we must take good care of it and should work on boosting our immunity levels consistently.

So, we are here for you, bringing you the expertise from one of the best dietitian in Delhi and giving you 5 amazing immunity boosting beverages which are not only tasty but also, easy to make and full of health benefits. Let’s begin this 5-minute interesting and informative journey of being acquainted with these mindboggling beverages-

Strawberry and Kiwi Smoothie
The first one in our arsenal is this magnificent combination of strawberry and kiwi.  It is a drink packed with Vitamin C and will ensure the nourishment of your body and immunity system with all the health benefits of vitamin C. Our suggestion is that you use skimmed milk for this beverage instead of going for juice as milk will add on as a good protein source.
Also, one additional tip by our dietitian is to add a small amount probiotic yogurt, this enhance the number of good bacteria in your body.

Watermelon, Mint and Lime Cooler
The next fighter is this sublime cooling goodness, a perfect mixture of watermelon, mint and lime which will give you a minty fresh experience. When it comes to immunity boosting drink, watermelon is the first fruit which comes into the mind of health experts as it contains a very beneficial chemical known as Lycopene and altogether it brings the richness of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, making this your go-to summer beverage.

Berry Smoothie
Another major competitor in this race are berries, they contain a very good amount of immunity boosting compounds which acts as a miracle for your body and immunity system. You can go on munching these berries throughout the day, however, our experts recommend trying blueberry and raspberry with coconut milk as tempting as it sounds, we promise this smoothie tastes even more delicious.

4) Orange And Tomato Juice
This refreshers not only helps you in improving your joints and absorption of iron in the body which is a necessary for the immunity system but it also plays a vital role in enhancing the overall skin health as this nutritious drink is full of vitamin C. Please do not opt for the concentrated juice or drinks for this as those contains sugar which isn’t good for your health and remember to always go for fresh oranges and juicy tomatoes and make this one at your home in your beautiful kitchen.

5) Green Apple, Lettuce and Kale Juice
Last but not the least, this one is the powerhouse of the green leafy goodness which your immunity system craves. It is jam packed with nutrients which are necessary for improving ability to fight off the bad bacteria in your body and keep you safe and sound. As we started with an additional tip, we will end it with an amazing hack too, you can throw in spinach in this juice to gain the benefits of Vitamin A, C and K altogether.

Well, these were our cherished gems in the game of immunity boosting drinks, they are very easy to make and can be made fresh in your kitchen by you within minutes. Smoothies and Juices are the easiest way to complete the immunity and nutrition requirements of your body so, we encourage you to add these to your diet and if you are looking for a new healthy way of eating, reach us @9818565756 or mail us at info@dietmantrabymonika.in.
Let’s work together and bring a health change in your life.
Book your consultation session today.

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